C++ library for static analysis of mechanical structures
Public Attributes | List of all members
openbeam::MeshOutputInfo Struct Reference

#include <CFiniteElementProblem.h>

Public Attributes

size_t num_original_nodes = 0
size_t num_original_elements = 0
std::deque< std::vector< node_index_t > > element2nodes
std::deque< std::vector< element_index_t > > element2elements
 List of smaller element IDs resulting from meshing the element [i].

Detailed Description

Results from CStructureProblem::mesh() after meshing a structure into a FEM with smaller elements.

Member Data Documentation

◆ element2nodes

std::deque<std::vector<node_index_t> > openbeam::MeshOutputInfo::element2nodes

List of all intermediary nodes (incl the original ones) at which element [i] is connected.

◆ num_original_elements

size_t openbeam::MeshOutputInfo::num_original_elements = 0

The first M nodes in the FEM correspond to the original elements in the structure before meshing. This variable holds that "M".

◆ num_original_nodes

size_t openbeam::MeshOutputInfo::num_original_nodes = 0

The first N nodes in the FEM correspond to the original nodes in the structure before meshing. This variable holds that "N".

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: